BBC Films
Title sequence and end cards animation for a cheeky British teen slasher movie
Radio Design were commissioned by Franki&Jonny to animate the title sequence and end cards for the British high school horror-comedy Tormented, directed by Jon Wright.
Franki&Jonny asked the teenage cast of the movie to generate a mass of graffiti on a toilet wall, which they then embellished to create a huge school desk design for the title sequence – complete with gory doodles and smutty schoolboy scribbles.
Radio Design were provided with Franki&Jonny’s enormous desk design to bring to life. Simulating a hand-held camera (which is much trickier than expected), we animated pans, fast cuts, gentle swaying, blurry focus and regular blinks in an attempt to mimic the undead gaze of the main protagonist – who has (mild spoiler alert) just risen from the dead to enact revenge on his tormentors!
Film4 devoted a whole paragraph to the title sequence in their Tormented film review.
End Cards
The end sequence is more subdued and somewhat purged of rage, continuing the tone from the final scene.